Sunday 15 June 2014

Ideas and Context

Task 1
In this task, we need to choose one rolled paper given by lecturers, and I get this paper.

Question : Using element / style of your scarf / apparel how can it reflect to your identity and life.

My Style : Versatile
* My style can be anything. But, mostly I like the rock style. Depends on the day or function.

Example :

  • Because of my attitude more to rough stuff
  • More to wear black color clothes
  • I just dress up simple when I'm not going anywhere because it is more comfortable
  • Maybe I'm lazy to choose the clothes
  • Depends on the event or function

Task 2
The next task we must analyst about our friends, what type of our friends
and than visual it from the things that they choose for their task.

Task 3
Expand the idea about ourself. (ROCK)

Task 4
This task we do in group, in this task we need to choose one type of social networking and from the six hat thinking we need to do info graphic.

In this task, our group choose TWITTER.


1.             BLACK HAT
Judging :

·      What are the difficulties and weakness?
-       People not interested about it
-       To produce this twitter account
-       People judge
-       Challenging facts and figure

2.             GREEN HAT
Being Creative :

·      New ideas?
-       To make this twitter become interesting
-       The quality of design
-       Make a new different ideas
-       Proposals
-       To expressing the design looks more interesting
-       Think more interesting that something slightly differently
-       Identify and assess problems at the appropriate places in the creative process

·      New Opportunities?
-       Ways to solve problems
-       Suggestions
-       Generate powerful new ideas that are outside of the mainstream
-       Develop action plans to minimize risk
-       Set up clear focus statements to put each person on the same page and avoid confusion
-       New ways of looking

·      How can it be improved?
-       Plans for a new, improved version are always on the drawing boards
-       Escape from old ideas
-       Move from intellectual understanding to skill development
-       Work with benefits to determine if an idea is worthwhile exploring further
-       Always imagine that something could be better

3.             RED HAT
Expressing emotion :

·      What are my guts feelings?
-       My gut feeling is that it will not work
-       I don't like the way this is being done
-       My intuition tells me that people will love it

My Comprehension About RED HAT :

Because the red hat "signals" feelings, they can come into the discussion without pretending to be anything else. Intuition may be a composite judgment based on years of experience in the field and may be very valuable even if the reasons behind the intuition cannot be spelled out consciously. It should be said that intuition is not always right.

4.             YELLOW HAT
Being optimistic :

·      What are the strengths and opportunities?
-       Sell well thought through ideas to management and clients with more confidence
-       We implement this idea in such a way that it improves customer satisfaction
-       Sometimes the idea itself is unattractive, but the concept behind the idea has great value
-       Maybe this idea is not very attractive but the underlying concept of creating an album store as well as setting up distributors has a lot of potential
-       A design will evolve, both from the concept through the investigation and development work
-       Custormer will be interested if the design looks differently and interesting

5.             BLUE HAT
Thinking about thinking :

·      What’s been learned?
-       How to solve problems
-       The conclusion is that each sales area should decide on its own promotion and creativity
-       Make well thought through choices
-       Improve research and writing skills
-       Become independent thinkers
-       Can be used by yourself when you become experienced

·      What’s next?
-       To achieve long-lasting results
-       Generates ideas quickly, evaluates them efficiently, and implements action plans effectively
-       Enables us to put differences aside and focus on resolving the real issues



What is EMPATHY?
  • Empathy is the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another sentient or fictional being. One may need to have a certain amount of empathy before being able to experience accurate sympathy or compassion.

(Empati adalah kemampuan untuk mengenali emosi yang sedang dialami oleh satu lagi makhluk yg dpt melihat atau fiksyen. Satu mungkin perlu mempunyai sejumlah empati sebelum dapat mengalami simpati tepat atau belas kasihan.)

  • The feeling that you understand and share another person's experiences and emotions (the ability to share someone else's feelings)

 Definition Of Empathy
  • The imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it.
  • The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner.

* I choose STRESS (Age By Age) for my final project.

Mind Map and Sketches


- Because of this kind of age, they want and they need attention from their children and family. Only LOVE for joy.



- Because of this kind of age, they already get married or they already have a career and they live by their own. They have to have money for their LIFE and Family.



- This age they only think of enjoy and freedom. Sometimes parents doesn't allowed them to go out or do something that teenagers want. Then they stress because of they want their life to be freedom.



- This kind of age only knows a thing like toys or gadget. If they want something that parents can't afford or doesn't want to buy. They will force and cry until they get it. That's why we called them "KIDDO".



- At this age, they don't know anything besides MILK. If we don't give them milk. They will cry. Sometime a baby also can have stress feeling if their hungry and needs milk.


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